Category: General

  • Ransomware, should you really be bothered?

    What is a ransomware attack? Simply put, it’s a virus attack that encrypts all the files on your computer/laptop and makes it impossible to access your data. Even though the file is still sitting on your computer/laptop, it’s just not sitting pretty anymore. You are not in a position to really do much till the time…

  • Website security needs skills, real skills.

    The need for website security has increased leaps and bounds over the last few decades. Every other day there are news reports of websites getting hacked, people’s mail accounts being stolen, credit card data being leaked; how do you make sure your website is not vulnerable? It’s difficult living in our times when it comes…

  • Create strong passwords that actually work!

    Every time we are faced with creating a new account on some website, we cringe at the thought of having to create one more “password”. Arrrrggggghhhhh!!!! It’s easier to reuse the same password I used last week, to sign up for the shopping site. One strong password for everything; that ought to work right? It…